Guess who the earth really belongs to? Here's a hint in the banner image above... 

Unbeknownst to probably all of you - in our early days back at the OnePlanet Foundation incubator office, we had installed a vermicomposter not too far from the kitchen... literally next to the copy machine! Soon after launch at Café Averechts in Utrecht, NL, we installed one there, a perfect way to handle any food scraps from OPK events. Then I personally bought one for my home and placed it above the washing machine in the winter months and on the balcony in the summer months. (So there's no excuse you urban dwellers - you can vermicompost in an apartment as well!)

Now to the uninitiated, why the fuss about worm castings? Well there are numerous articles on the subject (link 1 and link 2), but in short its the best way to process your food scraps (non-cooked) and produce highly nutritional and sustainable compost for your plants - a perfectly circular system! 

So like I was saying earlier, if you'd like to get your hands on some of the best sh*t around - we are selling them in 500g containers for €5. 

This is 100% homemade and organic. 

Buy our poo